I have recently been given a very nice crock pot from a customer at Fayes. He and I like to exchange recipes and ideas in general about various foods. I told him that my recent cooking goal was to learn how to make a good pot roast. He left and came straight back with a big crock pot that he never uses and is almost brand new and gave it to me. So awesome! It got me really inspired to start cooking.
Pot roast is one of those meals that reminds me of delcious family dinners from my childhood. That was back when Mom and Dad did all the cooking and I thought everyone just whips up some pot roast on a Sunday evening. I now know that cooking requires lots of time, patience, and practice. I decided when I left work today that I would deflower my new crock pot and cook myself a pot roast. When I say myself I mean I was going to prepare an entire roast dinner and not invite anyone over so I could do a test run before subjucting people to some not so delicious beefiness. Not the best idea for my wallet but what the hell. I had a plan. If the roast turned out to be tasty I would invite my good pal and best neighbor, Sarah, over. It was a success! Sarah came and brought some asparagus and zucchini that was the perfect compliment to the meal. I cooked the beef in onions, garlic, salt&pepper, seasoning, and butter. I added potatoes and these really pretty, purple carrots. I left the house for 4 hours and let it all simmer. It was crazy good. Thank you, Chuck, for an awesome new edition to my kitchen!